The Troll


The 2023 troll was built by Matt, co-founder of Brix Cider and co-creator of the Burning Troll event. The design was inspired by Matt’s sister Beth who drew the troll artwork for this website, posters, etc. Almost all of the materials for the troll were repurposed scrap (old pallets, used cardboard boxes, some boards ripped from a neighbor’s house when moving, a shipping crate for the Brix Cider bottling line, etc.). There was also a Christmas tree stuffed inside, and there was a gown and a big head of troll hair made out of sticks.


The 2024 troll is underway! Matt is building it again, but this year’s troll will have a very different design. We are actually attempting to restore some oak savanna on our farm, and most of this year’s troll will be made with brush and small trees that we’re cutting out to open up some of the remaining big oaks and savanna understory. We have some goats helping with the restoration. Matt thinks he has a good vision for this year’s troll. Stay tuned for updates!


This year’s troll is coming along! We had a surprise early this summer when a huge oak fell down in our yard, so in addition to using some unwanted trees on our hillside, we’re using lots of wood from the old oak. The troll is getting pretty huge!

Another Update!

The troll is getting there! We’ll finish it off in these last couple weeks before Burning Troll. Here’s a short video showing where it’s at now.

Update 9.20.24: Safety First!

This will be a sizable fire. We just took off a crop of hay from the festival grounds this week, which removes most of the burnable material from the ground (the last lonely hay bail is pictured below). We also need Mother Nature’s cooperation, and we were VERY grateful to get an inch of rain last night. We’re hopeful for more rain over the weekend and early next week. So far the forecast for next Saturday looks perfect - partly sunny with highs in the lower 70s and, importantly, little to no wind. We plan to rope off a large area around the fire so people don’t get too close. As an extra precaution, we have also contacted the Mount Horeb Area Joint Fire Department, and they will be stationing two firefighters at the event on standby. If you happen to see them during the event, please pass on our thanks and gratitude. Burning Troll is just 8 days away!